Manufacturing of Feed Additive Recombinant Probiotic Products for Improved Poultry Growth

Lead organization: General Probiotics 

Year launched: 2021 

This project will gain insight into fermentation and downstream processing for ProAspis, a safe, genetically modified bacteria that can release antimicrobial peptides to preferentially kill pathogens in chickens. Pilot testing has demonstrated up to 67% reduction in chicken mortality caused by necrotic enteritis.  
This project will examine a matrix of fermentation media and conditions, formulations to optimize cell stability and viability, tools for screening fermentation conditions, and more. The information generated by this project will result in selecting biomanufacturing protocols for producing commercially valuable antimicrobial recombinant live therapeutics. Once commercialized, this technology will allow farmers to sustainably raise healthy animals that are free from foodborne pathogens.   

Funding source: BioMADE Project Call 1.0

Webinar: Watch the recording here.